Hand Painting
Unlimited possibilities
When you choose hand painted cabinets, they will be delivered to your home fully primed.
Once fitted, our highly experienced painters come along to hand paint them in whatever colour or colours you have chosen.
Hand painted kitchens give great scope for individuality and our designers will happily help you when deciding on a colour scheme for your room.
We do understand that coming to a decision on colours can seem daunting when faced with the enormous choice, so we try and help by supplying sample paint pots for you to try at home and when relevant, organising visits to previous clients to see how a colour looks ‘in real life’.
Click on any of the images below to view more kitchens.
Hand Painted Kitchen Galleries
Visit Our Showroom
We are a very small team so it is not always possible for us to get to the showroom telephone. If you do phone and we don’t answer, we are sorry, but please do drop us a short message by email and we will get back to you asap.
Thank you.
78 London Road
Tunbridge Wells
Tel: 01892 533273
78 London Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN4 0PP
Tel: 01892 533273
Parking: Meadow Road and adjoining streets have parking.
There is also a free public car park in Yew Tree road if you turn immediate left after the traffic lights.
Opening Hours
Monday: By Appointment
Tuesday – Friday: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 4 pm